Monroe Township, Tipp City, Ohio  45371

4 E. Main Street
Tipp City, OH 45371

Office Hours
Monday - Friday
8 AM - 5 PM

Phone: 937-667-3136

Monroe Township Seal, Miami County, Ohio
Monroe Township Cemeteries | Miami County, Ohio


Monroe Township Cemeteries

Frederick Cemetery

Frederick CemeteryAlso known as "Mill Creek" is located on the Montgomery County Line Road in the burg of Frederick. This burg was also formerly known as Fidelity and then Fredericktown. Early in the 1800s the Mill Creek Quaker Monthly Meeting Church was located here. Next to this site was their burial grounds.

Frederick Yount, youngest son of John & Mary (Lowe) Yount, had the stone wall built around the cemetery before his death in 1880. Early families of this Quaker Meeting (church)were: Pearson, Jenkins, Compton, Commons, Beeson, Cooper, Earnhart, Coppock, Curtis, Davis, Duncan, Evans, Furnas, Harris, Hollinsworth, Hutchins, Iddings, Inscoe, Jay, Jones, Macy, Mendenhall, Mills, Neal, Patty, Russell, Swallow, Teague, Thomas, Yount and others. It's possible some of these members were buried here. There are monthly Mill Creek Meeting records under "The Ohio Quaker Genealogical Records." Some burials for the Frederick Cemetery could possibly be found in these records.

There have been no official readings of the remaining headstones by township personnel, although there have been early readings by other interested parties.

Hyattsville Cemetery

Hyattsville CemeteryHyattsville, was the neighboring town to Tippecanoe in the early 1800s and was started by Henry J. Hyatt in 1833. Seeing the need for a cemetery, on June 21, 1836 a parcel of land containing 80 ½ rods was deeded to the trustees of the Methodist Meeting House in Hyattsville. These trustees were: Levi Wells, Henry J. Hyatt, Jacob Chrisman, and William B. McCaulally.

The cemetery stayed in Methodist possession until they relinquished Hyattsville Cemetery to Monroe Township in October of 1988. In order to preserve the memories of those laid to rest there, the Monroe Township Trustees began a renovation of the Hyattsville Cemetery in 1992. Many groups had previously tried to clean the disarrayed area prior to the township's possession resulting in the stones being moved and/or removed.

When the township undertook the task of cleaning the area, they worked in co-operation with the Tippecanoe Historical Society. The township had the stones cleaned, returned and grouped in into three monuments constructed in a visual architectural presentation with the monuments erected on three separate mounds. These mounds included placement of the remaining full markers and broken pieces of markers on the dirt banks so they can be easily seen and kept from falling over. A Rededication Ceremony was presented on September 24, 1999.

The following is a compilation of stone readings, prior readings and histories. The underlined and bold names on this list are those for which other sources have a different spelling.  Read compilation...

Maple Hill Cemetery

Maple Hill CemeteryMaple Hill Cemetery is a forty-acre cemetery at the corner of Evanston Road and Hyatt Street in Tipp City, Ohio. Although some records say 1874, it is difficult to say when Maple Hill Cemetery was actually established. Early records are scant, sketchy and difficult to read.

On September 3, 1874 John Collins sold land to Maple Hill Cemetery Association. The Maple Hill Cemetery Association record of burials starts around 1900. There are some accounting records concerning burials and purchases that are dated in the late 1800s.

There is a reference in the Cemetery History that according to Blanch Gnodle, a local resident, as a girl she sat on the front porch of a farmhouse and waved to the soldiers going off to war. The location of this farmhouse is thought to be Section 6 of Maple Hill Cemetery where "some portion" of a foundation was located. She further references that the farm was eventually given to The Maple Hill Cemetery Association. The farmhouse at that location was reported as being torn down around 1940.

Many stones through the years have become unreadable and many graves may not have stones. It is hard to say who is the oldest actual burial.

Monroe Township took over the cemetery in 1989 when the Maple Hill Cemetery Association disbanded. Mrs. Nancy L. Creech, Monroe Township Secretary, and Mrs. Marjorie M. Buckles, genealogy enthusiast, spent about three years reading stones, collecting obituaries, genealogies and data to compile what is believed to be a fairly accurate compilation of stone readings and records. However, it is believed that there are still unknown burials.

The updated records have been put on computer so that information on documented burials can now be located faster and easier.

Among the many cemetery records is a reference to a "potter's field." Anyone with knowledge of the location of a "potter's field" in this cemetery is asked to contact the office of Monroe Township.

Maple Hill continues to be an active cemetery that has around 80 burials a year and over 6,000 burials recorded to date. For further information you may contact The Monroe Township Office.

Maple Hill Cemetery Regulations

Search Maple Hill Cemetery Burial Records

Monroe Cemetery

Monroe CemeteryThe cemetery has no available records other than stones that were read by Marjorie M. Buckles and Nancy L. Creech in the fall of 1994. Sources used to compile these records other than stone readings are: stone readings by person/persons unknown; Census records; county histories; Recorder's records of Veterans - Miami County, Ohio.

There appear to be a few discrepancies in stone readings and Veterans' records. The oldest stone read was Addie Vore - 1800. Many stones are difficult to read and this list should not in any way be perceived as a complete list of burials for this cemetery. 

Read compilation...
Search Monroe Cemetery Burial Records

Pearson Cemetery

Pearson CemeteryAlso known as "Old Concord" and "Friends Cemetery" is located just north of State Route 571 on the East Side of Peters Pike in Monroe Township, Miami County. The cemetery sits behind the Monroe Grange. As is the case in many old cemeteries, there are no records. The many "Pearsons" who are buried there were prominent pillars in the community.

Mrs. Nancy L. Creech and Mrs. Marjorie M. Buckles read the existing stones in 1996. The earliest known burial that was recorded was Eliza Jenkins who died in 1822. There are a number of stones with no dates or unreadable dates. Therefore, we cannot assume that this is the actual earliest burial.

Please read the compilation of stone inscription readings of 1996 and previous stone readings.